How often should a pool be serviced?
Swimming pools are often the perfect attraction for families and friends to hang out. If you have a private pool at home, then you already have hours of fun lined up for everyone, but you must make sure you keep it clean all year long.
In most cases, a private pool will be much more convenient, accessible, and safer than a public pool. However, both need to get cleaned frequently to avoid bacteria and other hazardous elements from appearing there.
Now, if you are willing to keep your pool clean the right way, you may be wondering how often you should do it. The following article will help you with that.
On the other hand, if you’re looking for a pool cleaner in Perth, we have plenty of services for you to choose from.
How Often Does a Pool Guy Need to Go to Your Property?
The answer will primarily depend on the following factors:
- Pool Type and Size
- Type of Leaves or Debris the Pool Collects
- The Type of Filtration System and Plumbing You Have
- Your Pool Maintenance Budget
You can have a pool guy go to your property daily, weekly, or monthly. In most cases, people schedule pool maintenance projects at least once a week.
Let’s explain everything in depth:
You may need to skim your pool at least once every two days. This involves removing debris. Some people decide to do this themselves instead of hiring someone. However, if you have a bigger pool, you may benefit from hiring a professional for the cleaning process.
On the other hand, if you want your pool guy to take a look at your pool water and balance its pH and chlorine levels, you may want to request that service at least once a week.
Other weekly pool maintenance tasks include:
- Add algaecide to your pool water.
- Balancing pH and chlorine levels.
- Add other pool chemicals to prevent bacteria build-up (if necessary).
- Shock the pool.
- Vacuum the pool floor.
The third layer of pool service involves monthly projects. Here, your pool guy will:
- Clean your pool filter and pool pump.
- Clean your pool walls and floor.
- Clean any other pool equipment you may have.
A great thing about requesting pool maintenance sessions from professionals is that you can ask them to suggest a schedule. That way, you will be able to maintain your pool without worrying too much about forgetting to do anything.
What Are the Pool Components That Need Frequent Cleaning?
The answer may vary depending on the type of swimming pool you have, although most of them have the same four components that will always need cleaning/maintenance:
- Pool Water
- Pool Liner/Interior Wall
- Filter System
- Skimmers and Returns of the Pool’s System
What Can Damage Your Pool Water?
Many things can “ruin” your pool water, and some are less obvious than others. Let’s go over some factors that can affect your pool’s chemical balance or quality in general:
- Unbalanced Chlorine: Too much chlorine can corrode your pump and filter. Moreover, it can cause your pool’s pH levels to go higher than usual. Finally, it can damage your pool’s cover and irritate your skin and eyes.
- Low Calcium Hardness: Low levels of calcium in your pool water can affect the pool’s plaster and tile grout, which will make it crack or get damaged in general.
- Low Water Levels: This can damage your pump and pipes, as they would be taking in only air.
- Unclean Pool Walls: Not cleaning your walls can cause bacteria and algae to build up, which affects your water’s quality and look.
Signs That Pool Owners Need to Service Their Swimming Pool
Now that you know what issues can damage your pool water, here’s a list of signs you should look out for to know if you need to get your pool clean with a professional:
- You have green pool water.
- Your grout is changing colours.
- Your pool has cracks.
- You have blocked pipes.
- Your sand filter is blocked.
- The pool water is irritating your eyes and skin.
What Happens If You Don’t Have a Clean Swimming Pool?
There’s a wide range of issues that can come up if you don’t keep your pool in tip-top shape. While some may be more alarming than others, you should avoid all of them by getting your pool cleaned regularly.
First, not cleaning your pool and checking its water balance will likely clog your drains or filters, meaning you will need to pay more money for repairs. Thankfully, you can prevent these issues from happening by hiring a professional.
On the other hand, your pool water can turn green if you don’t get it serviced regularly. Not only does a green pool look hideous, but it also can cause recreational water illnesses, which include:
- Rashes
- Respiratory Infections
- Inflamed Lungs
- Inflamed Eyes
- Ear Infections
Finally, not cleaning your pool regularly will often result in an oily film developing on its walls and surfaces, which makes the area much more dangerous for everyone.
Why Should You Hire Pool Cleaning Services?
Although there are many ways to keep your pool clean by yourself, doing it frequently can quickly become an inconvenience. Moreover, if you don’t have enough experience with pool maintenance services, then you will be more likely to make a mistake, which could lead to more repair expenses in the future.
Hiring a professional to clean your pool will always be the safest and most convenient option for everyone. These professionals will test your pool water, including its chlorine level, pH level, and any other necessary factor.
Then, the professional will use the latest equipment to keep your pool as healthy and clean as possible for you and your family/friends to enjoy.
Even though you may think that hiring a pool cleaner in Perth is a huge expense, think about all the money you will save on future repairs. In a sense, this is a long-term investment that will help you save money and time in the future.
Get the Right Pool Cleaning Equipment for Your Daily Maintenance
If you’re looking for a pool cleaner for sale in Perth, we can help you. Our team is committed to helping you keep your pool in excellent condition, so rest assured we only offer the top-quality brands and products you can use for your pool.
You can find suction, pressure, and robotic pool cleaners in our listing, so make sure to talk to our team to see which options suit your needs the best.
Bottom Line
If you want to ensure your pool is safe for everyone all year long, then you must invest in regular maintenance services and equipment.
However, you will be able to avoid future expenses and health risks in the future, so rest assured that this investment will be worth it.